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Actions in case of missiles flying to Japan

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0005171 更新日:2020年8月1日更新

It may take less than 10 minutes that missiles reach Japan after being launched.
If missiles are about to hit Japan possibly,J-ALERT system provides emergency information through various devices such as sirens and emails.
It is important to know what actions should be taken. 
For details, refer to the following link.
Cabinet Secretariat Civil Protection Portal Site<外部リンク>​※About "Information Transmission and Actions in Case of Ballistic Missile Launch" ,Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese versions are also published.

This is a leaflet about actions in case of missiles flying to Japan.
Actions in case of missiles flying to japan(PDFファイル:118KB)

Actions in case of missiles flying to japan

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