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第8回 St. Patrick's Day

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0088316 更新日:2021年3月8日更新

Do you know “St. Patrick’s Day”? It’s a holiday that started in Ireland, but now it’s celebrated all over the world. St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17th and it’s a day to celebrate Ireland and St. Patrick.


You may be wondering “Who is St. Patrick?” Actually, he wasn’t even Irish! In the 5th century, St. Patrick first lived in England, but when he was 16 he was captured by Irish pirates. For 6 years he was a slave and worked as a shepherd, but eventually he escaped to England. Later, he decided to go back to Ireland in order to spread Christianity. One of the most famous legends about him is that he chased away all of the snakes in Ireland.


The shamrock clover is a famous symbol of St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick used a shamrock clover to explain the Holy Trinity to the people of Ireland because it has three-heart shaped leaves. But, sometimes shamrock clovers have four leaves! It is said that the fourth leaf represents “luck,” so four leafed-clovers are very lucky.


Many people wear something green on St. Patrick’s Day. This is because shamrocks are green and because Ireland is a very green island with lots of nature. By the way, it is said that if you don’t wear something green on St. Patrick’s Day, a leprechaun will pinch you! At the bottom of this article you can see what a leprechaun looks like. They are a mischievous Irish fairy, and sometimes they have a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


celebrate 祝う
St. 聖者
pirate 海賊
slave 奴隷
shepherd 羊飼い
legend 伝説
Holy Trinity 三位一体
leprechaun レプラコーン:小さな老人の姿をした小妖精
fairy 妖精



Written by Chase Sutherland