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第8回Online English Salon実施

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0127152 更新日:2022年2月22日更新


県立高校配置の外国語指導助手(ALT)が県立中高生を対象にオンライン英語サロンを行いました。今回のテーマは、“Online World Trip” でした。コロナ禍で自由に旅行ができない日々が続いていますが、オンライン・イングリッシュ・サロンの1時間だけは世界旅行を楽しみました!


-I enjoyed today’s online salon. I didn’t know about Trinidad and Tobago so I want to learn more about there. And, I want to visit the unique church there. Also, if I can go to Philippines, I want to ride ATV Rides and drive around the mountains. I want to show you one of the dating spots in Minamata. It’s called “koibito no seichi” (恋人の聖地). We can see the beautiful sea. I want you to come there!

-It was good to know that today's course is divided into various areas in Hawaii. English was very easy to hear and the content was easy to understand.

-Today's topic was very interesting. And, I think I improved my English skill this time. I'm looking forward to the next salon. Thank you so much for today.

-I enjoyed talking with teachers and listening to their presentations. Especially, Julie’s presentation was so fun. I want to go Philippines and enjoy many things which Julie taught to us. I'm looking forward to joining the next meeting!




トピック:Online World Trip – Lovers’ Getaway
Adam Pool(玉名高等学校)イギリス紹介
Amy Shiroma(熊本県観光交流政策課)ハワイ紹介
Emily Frisbee(人吉高等学校)アメリカ紹介
Julie Pearl Guanzon(小川工業高等学校)フィリピン紹介
Khair Ali(天草工業高等学校)トリニダード・トバゴ紹介
Hueseng Xiong(義務教育課)アメリカ紹介
