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第7回Online English Salon実施

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0123017 更新日:2022年1月20日更新




-Thank you for today’s salon. I’m glad to hear the other students’ new year’s resolutions. I also want to achieve my aspirations so as not to lose to anyone. Thank you Mr. Adam! I'm looking forward to the next salon :)
-Today’s English salon was so fun! I thought I have to study English more because all ALTs’ new year’s resolutions were studying Japanese. I want to speak English fluently. So, let’s study different language harder!
-I joined this Online English Salon for the first time. It was very fun because Julie sensei is so kind, and cute! Your third resolution is spending less time on social media. My time on social media is also increasing recently too, so I want to be careful about using my smartphone too much. However, I was a little nervous on that time, so I couldn't talk well. So next time, I want to talk more. I'm looking forward to seeing you again!


トピック:New Year’s Resolution
Julie Pearl Guanzon
 -Study Japanese
 -Eat healthy and exercise
 -Spend less time on SNS
Adam Pool
 -Practice Kanji
 -Translate every week
 -Clean apartment once a week
Damon Christensen
 -Bench press 135 kg
 -Pass Japanese-Language Proficiency Test 2nd grade
 -Visit America
Denver Dauthe
 -Become more healthy
 -Be more organized
 -Find a hobby

