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現在地 ホーム > 組織でさがす > 土木部 > 建築課 > History of Kumamoto Artpolis(English)


History of Kumamoto Artpolis(English)

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0004585 更新日:2020年8月1日更新
1987 Study tour by Governor Hosokawa of IBA in Berl
1988 Announcement of Kumamoto Artpolis program
Arata Isozaki appointed commissioner
Kiyoharu Horiuchi appointed advisor
1989 Publication of first issue of "Kumamoto Artpolis News"
1991 SD 9101 "Kumamoto Artpolis" (Kajima Institute Publishing)
"Kumamoto Artpolis '92 Selected Pre-existing Structures" chosen.
1992 Kumamoto Artpolis '92
1993 JA10 "Kumamoto Artpolis" (Shinkenchiku-sha)
Kumamoto Artpolis receives AIJ Culture Prize
1994 Kumamoto Municipal Housing Estate, Shinchi A and
Kumamoto Grassland Stockbreeding Research Institute receive AIJ Award for Design
1995 Ryujabira Public Housing Complex receives AIJ Award for Design
Kumamoto Artpolis Advancement Award established
1996 Kumamoto Artpolis '96
1998 Teiichi Takahashi appointed commissioner and Toyo Ito appointed vice-commissioner
Ushibuka Haiya Bridge receives JSCE Tanaka Award
Izumi Village Center receives AIJ Award for Design
2000 Prefectural College of Agriculture Dormitory receives AIJ Award for Design
Developing Our Community program established
Exhibit in "Toward Landscape" (Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam)
Kumamoto Artpolis 2000
Developing Our Community program receives Dialogue-oriented Administration Promotion Award (Ministry of Construction)
2001 Ushibuka Haiya Bridge receives JSCE Landscape and Design Award
2003 Reihoku Community Hall receives AIJ Award for Design
Ayunose Bridge receives JSCE Landscape and Design Award
The Japan Foundation opens traveling exhibition
2004 Kumamoto Artpolis 2004
2005 Toyo Ito appointed commissioner

*Only awards received from the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) and the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) have been listed.