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現在地 熊本県教育委員会 > 義務教育 > 夜間中学 > (熊本県夜間中学相談窓口)Kumamoto Prefecture Evening Middle School assistance service


(熊本県夜間中学相談窓口)Kumamoto Prefecture Evening Middle School assistance service

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0149562 更新日:2022年7月15日更新

A prefectural Evening Middle School has been established in Kumamoto Prefecture, in cooperation with Kumamoto city. In addition,

≪Overview of the Prefectural Evening Middle School≫

▶Organization   Kumamoto Prefecture
▶Location   Within Kumamoto Prefectural Yusinkan High school
▶Opening date   Expected in April 2024
▶Requirements   Kumamoto Prefecture residents from 15yo, who have not finished compulsory education, or who have not been able for diverse reasons to attend or study properly (No nationality restriction)
▶Opening process 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year classes will be opened (it will be possible to join a level upon individual interview and consultation)
▶Composition of classes
Each grade will constitute 1 class (with a limit of 20 people each)

▶School area Every area of Kumamoto Prefecture (including Kumamoto City).

▶Responsibilities Tuition and textbooks are provided free of charge.
Teaching materials (activity books etc.) fees are the responsibility of the participant

≪Evening Middle School assistance service≫

Kumamoto Prefecture, Board of Education, Municipal Education Bureau, Compulsory Education Division. (Kumamoto Prefectural Office, Shinkan 6F)

Contacts Ryouichi Shikama, Shou Munakata
    ▶Phone 096-333-2689  ▶Fax 096-385-6718